
General Information

Full Name Louis Grenioux
Languages French, English, Spanish
Contact louis.grenioux at polytechnique dot edu


  • 2022-now
    PhD in Deep Learning
    CMAP, École Polytechnique, Palaiseau, France
    • Under the supervision of Marylou Gabrié and Éric Moulines
    • Interactions and opportunities at the crossroads of deep probabilistic modelling and statistical inference through Markov Chains Monte Carlo
    • Created new algorithms mixing normalizing flows and energy-based models
    • Papers
      • 2 ICML papers
      • 1 ICML workshop paper
  • 2022
    MSc. in Data Science
    École Polytechnique (IP Paris), Palaiseau, France
    • Master Year 2 Data Science of Institut Polytechnique de Paris
    • Deep Learning, Reinforcement Learning, Computer Vision, Natural Langage Processing, Generative Models, MCMC, Optimal Transport, Optimization
  • 2019 - 2022
    MSc. in Statistics and Computer Science
    Télécom SudParis, Palaiseau/Évry, France
    • Grande école engineering master
    • Valedictorian of the promotion TSP2022
    • Statistics, Data Analysis, Data Mining, Bayesian Inference, Stochastic Processes
    • Java, C, Unix, Web Fronted/Backend, SQL


  • 2022
    Research assistant
    CMAP, École Polytechnique, Palaiseau, France
    • Under the supervision of Marylou Gabrié and Sylvain Le Corff
    • Worked on Markov Chain Monte Carlo algorithms enhanced with Deep Learning
    • Developed new algorithms for energy-based models estimation using normalizing flows
  • 2021 - 2023
    Full Stack Data Scientist
    • Developed web platform to use AI tools
    • Scaled proof of concept for production usage
  • 2020
    Research Engineer Intern
    Linagora, Paris, France
    • Created AI tools for legal audits automation
    • Developed a data pipeline from scratch (data engineering, modeling, data visualization, model evaluation)
    • Matching the state of the art performance
  • 2014 - 2015
    Software Engineer (Part-time)
    YU Televentures, Gurgaon, India
    • Developed the Android 6.0 production OS
    • Developed open-source tools for the community

Deep Learning competitions

  • 2022
    Hi!ckathon March 2022 - Team Hi!Gency
    • 2nd edition of Hi!Paris’s high-level hackathon
    • Building AI for climate using computer vision
    • 1st position on innovation
    • 2nd position on business opportunity
    • 1st position on scientific approach
  • 2022
    Generative Modelling for Financial Losses
    • AI competition aiming at improving financial stress test methods with deep learning
    • Organised by BNP Paribas and École Polytechnique
    • Generative Adversarial Networks
    • 1st position out of 60 teams
  • 2021
    AI4IA : Artificial Intelligence for Industrial Application
    • The challenge AI4IA was organized by SKF and hosted by Agorize
    • Code
  • 2021
    Hi!ckathon March 2021 - Team CorAI
    • 1st edition of Hi!Paris’s high-level hackathon
    • Building AI for energy efficiency using reinforcement learning
    • Code
  • 2020 - 2021
    Cassiopée 2021 - AI towards Trading
    • Project leader
    • During the Cassiopée project, Télécom SudParis' students solve on real-world projects supervised by professors and domain-specific professionals
    • Developed an unique real-time trading bot without neural networks using sequential monte-carlo
    • 1st position out of 88 teams
    • Code

Side deep learning projects

  • 2022
    • Machine learning model to predicting the outcome of a Supreme Court's judgment
    • Code
  • 2022
    ArXiv Graphs
    • Visualizing arXiv authors with graphs
    • Code

Android open-source projects

  • 2019 - 2021
    Xiaomi SDM439
    • Code for open-source development of the Xiaomi products using the SDM439 chipset (Xiaomi Redmi 8, Xiaomi Redmi 8A, Xiaomi Redmi 8A Pro, Xiaomi Redmi 8A Dual, Xiaomi Redmi 7, Xiaomi Redmi 7A)
    • Code
  • 2016 - 2021
    Tinno MSM8937
    • Reference code for open-source development on Tinno's ODM MSM8937 devices
    • Devices
      • YU : Yureka Black (garlic)
      • Wiko : Wim Lite (wimlite)
      • Micromax : HS2 (hs2) / HS3 (hs3)
    • Code
  • 2015 - 2017
    • First CAF-based ROM directly mirrored on CodeAurora
    • Very sucessful project
    • Winner of the YU-AOSP-M challenge on 3 devices out of 3
    • People
    • Supported devices
      • OnePlus : OnePlus One (bacon), OnePlus X (onyx)
      • YU: Yureka (tomato), Yureka Plus (tomato), Yureka S (onion), Yureka Black (garlic), Yuphoria (lettuce), Yunique (jalebi)
    • Code